Focus INC workshops, December 2008
1) Evaluating Your Top Prospects: Making “The Ask” – Friday, December 5 2) Working with Consultants – Saturday, December 13 3) IRS Form 990s: Form Evaluation, Changes, & Preparation – Monday, December 15 1) Evaluating Your Top Prospects: Making “The Ask” – Friday, December 5 1pm-4pm, The Wakefield Foundation, 100 Wilson Avenue, Wakefield, 23888, with Lisa Freeman. One of […]
1) Evaluating Your Top Prospects: Making “The Ask” – Friday, December 5
2) Working with Consultants – Saturday, December 13
3) IRS Form 990s: Form Evaluation, Changes, & Preparation – Monday, December 15
1) Evaluating Your Top Prospects: Making “The Ask” – Friday, December 5
1pm-4pm, The Wakefield Foundation, 100 Wilson Avenue, Wakefield, 23888, with Lisa Freeman. One of the most important leadership goals of an organization is to assure that: 1) the right prospect is contacted, 2) by the right person, 3) in the right way, 4) at the right time, 5) for the right project, 6) with the right ask. This session explores how to assure success in these “rules of right” and teaches attendees how to create a donor-centered, personalized approach to these donor-investors. $20 includes light refreshments. At least four paid registrations must be received by Tuesday, December 2nd for this class to be held.
2) Working with Consultants – Saturday, December 13
10:30am-1:30pm, Petersburg Public Library, 137 South Sycamore St., Petersburg, 23803, with Gail Merridew. Whether for strategic planning, board development, fundraising, financial management, or other capacity building initiatives, organizations often need assistance from consultants who specialize in areas the board and staff do not. In this session, board members and senior managers of organizations, as well as potential consultants, will learn the steps to interviewing, contracting with, and evaluating the consultant-client relationship. FREE!
3) IRS Form 990s: Form Evaluation, Changes, & Preparation – Monday, December 15
8:30am-5:00pm, Harrowgate Elementary School, Parent/Community Trailer (#2), 15501 Harrowgate Road, Chester, 23821. Virginia nonprofits have very few reporting requirements once they obtain 501(c)(3) status; however, IRS Form 990s are one of the most important. Major changes have been made to Form 990s in the past year and organizations whose next fiscal year ends 12/31/08 or later are expected to integrate these requirements by their fiscal year end date. In this full-day seminar, three separate workshops provide different levels of Form 990 information and individuals may sign up for one or more of these sessions:
From 8:30-11:00am on 12/15, Gail Merridew leads board members and chief executives through the form in general and points out areas foundations and others evaluate for service information and financial ratio performance. $20 includes light refreshments.
From 11:30am-2:00pm on 12/15, Randy Howard discusses recent changes passed by the IRS related to form design and supporting information with those responsible for ensuring appropriate form preparation (including accountants and organization staff). $20 includes light refreshments.
From 2:30pm-5:00pm on 12/15, Melody Stone walks financial staff and form preparers through a “translation” between an NPO’s chart of accounts and the information reported on the form. $20 includes light refreshments.
For planning purposes, pre-registration is strongly encouraged; however, walk-in registrants are welcome. To read a description about each of these sessions/instructors and/or to obtain registration forms, go to The Cameron Foundation’s website, (under
Nonprofit Resources / Focus INC), the Southside Virginia Nonprofit Resource Center website, (under Learning Opportunities), or contact Sara Hinojosa at or 804.458.6329 x2013.
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