LEGO KidsFest ticket giveaway

Win tickets to Richmond’s only event featuring copious interlocking plastic blocks.

Calling all LEGO fanatics–which is pretty much every person in the entire world. The LEGO KidsFest cometh, and brings with it a massive pile of interlocking plastic bricks in which you and yours can make the LEGO equivalent of snow angels.1

If, like mine, your house is covered in LEGO and LEGO creations, you’ve probably had your eye on the LEGO KidsFest for a while. Well, now’s your chance to win a family four pack of tickets to Friday, October 3rd’s session–including admission to the Very Important Kid preview event.

Enter to win by filling out the form below.

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Photo by: Telstar Logistics

  1. This is an actual thing you can do at LEGO KidsFest. 
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Ross Catrow

Founder and publisher of RVANews.

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