
City Council: two meetings for the price of one

How things have changed. Only weeks (months?) ago Council meetings went on endlessly, angry speeches were made, political points were scored. Lately? Barely a whimper. Recaps from both this week’s Council meeting and Public Budget Hearing.

City Council: Awards and Presentations

With little on the agenda to speak of, there is still an eclectic group gathering for tonight’s session: a youth choir, a collection of ministers, some well dressed kids, a troop of boy scouts, and the usual bunch of coconuts.

City Council: a calm before the budget storm

A slow night for City Council as they prepare to take on the Mayor’s proposed budget. Some awards, notes on Occupy Richmond, and a few other tidbits in this week’s recap.

City Council: bike skills course planned for Belle Isle, and general business

In this week’s episode Council moves along an off-road bike skills area on Belle Isle, minor adjustments to student housing on Chamberlayne, and some other general business.

City Council: your councilpeople in the news

Part of tonight’s City Council recap is what didn’t go into the last one. Really, there’s enough that happens between the sessions for a whole new story.

City Council: The return of Silver Persinger

This week’s City Council meeting featured a vote over a popular new development in Jackson Ward and some tax relief for nonprofits. Also, the return of Silver Persinger!

City Council: bullets over Broad Street, with special guest star Ken Cuccinelli

Did you know that there were death threats recently made in person against the City Council? Yep. It happened. What steps have been taken since then, and how did the City Council start off 2012?

City Council: Nobody here but us chickens

There were only a handful of items on the agenda and by all rights they should have been done in an hour, but this is City Council so it took 2 1/2 hours. Tune in for the latest on the Mayor, Occupy Richmond, and urban chickens.

City Council–the players

Who exactly are our representatives in City Council? Our Council reporter gives you a brief rundown of the who’s who and the what’s what.

City Council: the fat lady has sung

I’m often asked, “Paul, you just make this stuff up, don’t you?” Sometimes I get the same question from my editors here at RVANews and my answer is, “No, I don’t have to, this stuff just writes itself.” While the opinions are my own, everything I say that happens here really did happen. I’ll swear by it.

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