PHOTOS: RVA Remembers
Yesterday marked 2011 World AIDS Day. To commemorate the event, the Fan Free Clinic sponsored a unique event downtown in which 400 red umbrellas were opened in symbolic memory of those who have died from the disease.
Yesterday marked 2011 World AIDS Day. To commemorate the event, the Fan Free Clinic sponsored a unique event downtown in which 400 red umbrellas were opened in symbolic memory of those who have died from the disease.
Our resident kindness expert, Patience Salgado, has a few tips to help make this Halloween stand out, for both kid and adult alike. Patience has been featured in O magazine (you know, Oprah Winfrey!) so this very kind, sweet soul knows what she’s talking about!
As much as it pains us to do so, the time has come for us to say goodbye to the one and only Patience Salgado — at least within context of the ongoing conversation we have on Raising Richmond. Here she offers a few words of farewell as she reflects on her almost-three-year stint as an RVANews columnist.
We don’t need to tell you it’s hot. You know it’s hot. Your kids know it’s hot. The only time any of you want to spend outside is the walk from one air conditioned space to another. So allow us to offer up a healthy handful of fun AND kid-friendly activities (both around town and at home) that are sure to keep your whole brood amused on those days that a walk around the block sounds about as appealing as a punch in the face.
Today’s Moms and Dads no longer just have What to Expect When You’re Expecting or good ol’ Grandma to turn to for parenting guidance. Thanks to the Internet, we’ve got everything we would (and wouldn’t) ever want to know about raising kids right at our fingertips. So today we ask: how has the Internet affected your parenting experience?
It’s firework time kids: let the dangers and awesomeness of sparklers begin! We found this cool t-shirt craft for kids of all ages. Turn up the Katy Perry and get creative!
Your kids and your family: do they have an up-close-and-personal relationship, or is it of the long-distance variety? Here Patience and Valerie share their experiences raising children with family far away and close by (respectively). We hope you’ll share your experiences, too.
As you know, Mother’s Day was on Sunday, so we thought it only appropriate to have our resident mamas (sure, that could be a thing) reflect on the day… and motherhood in general, really. We hope you’ll share your thoughts as well.
Mother’s Day is the queen of all kindness opportunities — the big enchilada if you will. It is more than a Hallmark card scheme or the busiest restaurant day of the year, it is your chance to let her know she is indeed a positive force in your life, you know, since she gave you life or chose you for her own and all.
The decision to start a family is big enough, but what’s even more daunting is figuring out how big you’d like that family to be. So today we’re talking about multiple children vs. the only child. We hope you’ll come share your thoughts.