
Raising Richmond: Library finds

My daughter’s blind grabs at books on library shelves have turned up a few treasures.

Raising Richmond: HandsOn Day

HandsOn Day promotes community involvement, and if your kids are too small to help out with the activities, they’re never too young to learn how to be kind and helpful.

Raising Richmond: This is not a restaurant

If your declarations of “this is not a restaurant” still don’t end in your child cleaning her plate or trying new food, here are some meal combos for you and your picky eaters to spare you from making different meals for everyone in the family.

Raising Richmond: “Do you know about Jesus?”

I have practiced in my head many times how my husband and I will handle all the tough talks with our daughter, like drugs, sex, and gender politics. But the hardest one for me–religion–is up first.

Raising Richmond: What I learned on my summer vacation

Now that vacations are done for the season, here are my untimely travel tips from late summer trips I took with my family. If this advice is too late to be useful for you, just print out this article, fold it into the December section of your day planner, then transfer it to your next year’s day planner for easy access when you take vacations again!

Raising Richmond: Love for Young House Love

The duo from Young House Love is taking a break from their blog. While they regroup and consider what to do with the site, here’s a look back at some of my favorite things they’ve done.

Raising Richmond: Back to school for the first time

The start of preschool sets the schedule for the rest of my child’s childhood: field trips, book bags, school photos. Bring it.

Raising Richmond: Scenes from the summer

Summer is winding down. Here are some memorable moments from the last few months: popsicles, swimming, and lots of Weird Al.

Raising Richmond: You have my permission to grow up

One of the challenges of parenting is getting used to the idea that those teeny babies have the nerve to grow up.

Raising Richmond: City schools, county schools

We’re sticking with Richmond Public Schools because we want to support our city. And also because the school is right by our house and daughter already likes that playground. It would be weird if we didn’t send her there.

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