
Raising Richmond: What are you doing through New Year’s Eve?

If you have to watch your own kids for the rest of the year, here are some ideas for what to do when schools are closed.

Raising Richmond: Christmas all over again

My husband and I are spending our eighth Christmas together. As our family gets older, holiday traditions keep growing, and a newly-interested-in-Christmas kid makes things feel a little brighter.

Raising Richmond: Eaten by sharks

Sharks! Murder! iPads! Inside the weird world of my daughter’s imaginary siblings.

Give big, give local

Richmond in December is a festive, exciting place. To make sure that everyone in the city can find some comfort and joy this holiday season, learn more about a few local charities that support Richmond families, and find out how you can help.

Raising Richmond: A gift-giving guide for kids who have too much stuff

What to get for the kid whose parents don’t want you to get anything.

Raising Richmond: Is Santa going to eat us for dinner?

Is telling your kid that Santa is real the same thing as not telling her that Santa’s made up? I don’t know. You try telling a four-old-anything she doesn’t want to hear and then let me how that works out for you.

Raising Richmond: How to run a half marathon without really trying

Me: I’m going to run 13 miles this weekend.
My daughter: Why?
Me: Because I want to?
My daughter: That’s a long way.

Raising Richmond: VMFA the hard way

An art museum is almost the opposite of a children’s museum: there’s no touching, no talking, and nothing to ride. That doesn’t mean it can’t be kid-friendly.

Raising Richmond: FOUR!

“What’s it like being four?” I asked my daughter. “Eckkk,” she said. Welcome to four!

Raising Richmond: Happy Hallo-wait, is that this week?

We’re doing Halloween again already? This year I didn’t have time to plan for it, but it’s on track to happen just fine anyway.

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