Archives: thomas norment

Senate approves transportation compromise

A divided Virginia Senate passed Gov. Bob McDonnell’s signature issue of the 2013 legislative session on Saturday: a bill to overhaul the Commonwealth’s system for funding transportation.

Texting while driving bill goes to Governor

Legislation cracking down on texting while driving is only Gov. Bob McDonnell’s signature away from become law after passing the Senate on Tuesday.

UPDATE: Senate approves state budget

For the third time, the Virginia Senate has refused to compromise on a new state budget, preventing the General Assembly from approving a spending plan for the next two years. The House voted 77-19 on Tuesday in favor of an amended budget bill, HB 1301. But Senate Democrats rejected the measure because it lacks funding for the second phase of the Dulles Rail extension to Loudoun County.

Virginia Senate vote to repeal handgun purchase limit

Virginians soon may be able to purchase more handguns than they can carry, all in one buy–for the first time in almost two decades.