Archives: running

Run for your Life: how yoga taught me to run with myself

It wasn’t until I starting caring for and accepting myself on the yoga mat that I started caring for and accepting myself on the trails.

Hardywood hosts a four-mile run through the Fan

One of RVA’s best-loved breweries will do something new this spring…organize a four-mile run through the Fan.

On the Run: I did it!

So how was the marathon? It’s a question I’ve heard at least a hundred times since Saturday, but one I’ve rarely answered the same way twice.

On the Run: Week 12

What do you do when a celebrity crush gives you sage advice mere days before you undertake your first ever marathon? You listen, that’s what.

I left my heart (and feet) in Richmond

Laura Welch was all set to run the New York City Marathon. Then Sandy struck. Now she, like a many others, have traveled south to RVA to take part in this weekend’s Richmond Marathon.

On the Run: Week 11

I expected to talk about reducing my mileage and increasing my carb intake in preparation for the Richmond Marathon. Unfortunately I’ve got some bad news.

On the Run: Week 10

You know how in movies and on television they show life-altering accidents in slow motion, and you, as the audience, are caught in this drawn out moment of OH MY GOSH THIS IS HAPPENING?

On the Run: Week 8

I’ve always been the kind of person whose body and emotions are closely connected. So, it should come as no surprise that my shin splints have me under a little black rain cloud, Eeyore-style.

On the Run: Week 7

Despite a meticulously constructed marathon training plan, I’ve wound up with the dreaded shin splints.

On the Run: Week 6

Running is gross.

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