Archives: opera

5 Things for Families

The ol’ temps are supposed to creep back up into the 40s and 50s this weekend, so get on out and do stuff before Old Man Winter settles in on his icy cold duff and makes us all miserable.

Richmond’s operatic sweetheart, Kate Lindsey

Just because she loves us so much, mezzo-soprano Kate Lindsey returns to her hometown for a night with the Richmond Symphony.

5 Things

An amazing dance troupe out of new New Zealand AND a place with a candy garden!?! Just two of the 5 Things going on this weekend.

Madama Butterfly: softer, but with ritual suicide!

We continue our investigation into the wild, wonderful world of opera, this time tackling Puccini’s Madama Butterfly. How will it compare to Wagner? Why does everything have to be so tragic?? Did we overdress???

Like Dan Brown, we set out to crack a code…an OPERA CODE.

We performed an experiment and sent two n00bs to an opera with zero information and tasked them to wrap their tiny minds around Wagner.