Archives: Family finances

Family Finances: How much do you value an hour?

You’ve got an hourly rate, whether you know it or not. And it can help you decide many, many things.

Family Finances: Now is the best time for college savings

If you don’t have a Virginia 529 already, you could start one (or someone else in you family could) and possibly win $10,000. Amanda Gibson outlines her family’s saving plan for contributing to the college education of her children.

Family Finances: Why we stopped saving for retirement

Amanda Gibson and her husband don’t put cash in their IRAs anymore and they may not for a good while. And here are the solid reasons why.

Family Finances: The Millionaire Game

A fun game to play with your partner, the Millionaire Game will help you focus your life goals, financial and otherwise.

Family Finances: Opportunity cost (dun dun dun)

You remember opportunity cost from economics class. It’s the idea that the cost of your decision is the thing you didn’t choose. We know your kids’ value can’t be measure in dollars, but here’s an interesting way to look at their impact on your finances.

The cost of having kids

According to the USDA, parents will spend $245,340 to raise a child. Amanda Gibson looks at her own family projections to see if those dollars stack up similarly.

Budgets: The WORST…?

I hate budgeting. And I’m bad at it. But I do it anyway.

Income pie

Grab your fork! There’s pie! Well, an interesting pie chart (and explainer) of how one family’s income breaks down. Let’s dig in!

To have and to hold at 8:00 PM (7:00 PM central)

One of the warmest memories of my life so far is that of the look on my husband’s face as we said our wedding vows. Since then, I’ve only seen the look on his face three other times: when each of our sons were born…and when I signed us up for Netflix.

Credit card roll call

A former Federal Reserve employee has a little secret to share: she loves credit cards. Find out which ones she uses and why (and how they earn her family a nice chunk of money each year).
