Archives: Richmond Proper

Ask Richmond Proper: On wedding interventions

This week marks the beginning of opening Richmond Proper up for questions and answers. Up first, “What do you do if you think the person your friend is marrying is bad news?” It’s wedding season, and perfect timing for this question — one that’s on the minds of many marrying couples and their friends, no doubt.

Richmond Proper: On street festival etiquette

The season of summer street festivals is upon us, so it might be a good time for a little refresher course on consideration for others. Here are some tips for making this year’s experiences as painless as possible.

Richmond Proper Do-Overs: Wayne’s World edition

If you’re anything like me, thoughts of what a character could have done or should have said are hard to ignore while watching a movie. So in the spirit of Richmond Proper’s mantra of “calmness, consistency, clarity,” this week we’re introducing a new feature here at Richmond Proper: do-overs of your favorite etiquette blunders from movies, TV, and pop culture in general.

Richmond Proper: On personal space

“A comfortable conversation involves more than just words; even a compliment can be offensive if delivered an inch from your face.”

Richmond Proper: On email etiquette

Though these points may be no-brainers for some of you, it’s always good to review the basics. And if we can eradicate an itchy Reply All finger in the meantime, victory is ours. Here are some simple tips for keeping your emails within the realm of sanity.

Richmond Proper: On how far a girl may run after a man (and vice versa)

In the 1946 edition of Emily Post’s Etiquette there is a section entitled “How Far May a Girl Run After a Man?” When I saw this heading, on its yellowed page with its thick, black type, I felt suddenly cheated. You mean I didn’t have to go through all those years of self-doubt, disappointment, and embarrassment? You mean I could have just read etiquette books?!?!

Richmond Proper: On Letters Versus Email

A debate that has arisen in the world of etiquette involves the question of whether to communicate via email or a handwritten note. Instead of declaring whether one method is better than the other, let’s look at the characteristics of those methods and hope that by knowing them, we can make good decisions about when to use each.

Richmond Proper: On Museum Etiquette

A recent trip to a museum got me thinking about museum etiquette, and what special rules ought to be observed when visiting our fair city’s bastions of art and antiquities.

Richmond Proper: On Hoverers

A particularly sensitive subject around the holidays is the phenomenon of hovering guests. These are not party-goers who literally levitate above the floor, but who follow their hostess around like a shadow while she tends to her duties.

Richmond Proper: On Family Manners

Holiday gatherings can alternately be a time to remember all the things you love about your family, as well as all the reasons you don’t hang out with them often. Let’s make the most of it, shall we?

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