Voting for RVA2k7BA is now closed; more prizes!

Voting is officially over for the 2007 Blog Awards. 277 people cast their votes which, to be honest, is a ton of people. I think you could man a battleship with 277 people. Hopefully I’ll have a write up slash the winners for you by Friday, but in today’s post-nine-eleven world I can’t promise anything. […]

Voting is officially over for the 2007 Blog Awards. 277 people cast their votes which, to be honest, is a ton of people. I think you could man a battleship with 277 people. Hopefully I’ll have a write up slash the winners for you by Friday, but in today’s post-nine-eleven world I can’t promise anything.

Also we have a new award sponsor: The Book Room! The Book Room is located at 5468 W. Broad St. and is probably super awesome. They are more awesome than you: I don’t see you sponsoring an award category. So now the follow category winners will get a 10$ gift certificate to the Book Room:

  • Post of the year
  • Best kept secret
  • Best writing skills from a blogger
  • error

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Ross Catrow

Founder and publisher of RVANews.

Notice: Comments that are not conducive to an interesting and thoughtful conversation may be removed at the editor’s discretion.

  1. will happily sponsor the “Best Diarist” category, hooking up the winner of that category with a whole bucket of CDs. That’s right, a bucket of CDs. Some good, some… well, interesting, but if Richmond thinks you’re the best, WVCW won’t argue and will pass along a bunch of CDs to ya.

    Proudly brought to you by – VCU’s Independent Student Radio Station

  2. Okay, I think it’s safe to say that you’re killing us.

  3. Seriously. I’m dying to know how badly The Yarn Lounge has kicked my ass!

  4. Hahah, I have seriously dropped the ball on this. But fear not! In no way did I abscond with the prizes to an island getaway. Results will be revealed this week! Huzzah!

  5. Vote rigging! I for one will call for calm in the riots sure to follow…

  6. It will be interesting to see if any of the candidates’ hubristic “assumptions of incumbency” will hurt them amongst the notoriously independent-minded Richmond blog-reading voters.

  7. Ooops, wrong race. Sorry!

  8. I have wrapped myself in the Cloak of Inevitability!

    (And I am prepared to demand a recount no matter what the results are…)

  9. OOOOOOOH I’m Sooooooooooo skeeered! Maybe I should concede immediately?

  10. Was that your Howard Dean moment?

  11. Maybe it was. I sure hope I haven’t squandered my hard-earned Joementum.

  12. I’m just hoping my targeting of soccer mom’s pays off.

  13. VOTES on said:

    …one day we will come out of the closet…

  14. I’m crying a little, does that help?

  15. I’m plotting a hideous revenge

  16. The Yarn Lounge is going to whip ALL of our butts.

  17. With whips made of yarn!

  18. I just hope I did enough to get the female vote out to the polls. I should have cried just before voting. Or, you know, maybe posted to my blog more than twice during the month of December.

  19. Or gotten some sweet endorsements.

  20. I wonder if I went too far by flat-out sobbing and rending my garments, screaming “It’s not fair, it’s not fair” just before voting ended?

  21. Too far awesome maybe.

  22. No Tim it’s cool. Rending tested well with focus groups and you saw your polling bounce after you did it. Good decision I think.

  23. I’ve always found that soaking my clothes in rendered pork fat is far better than rending them. Let’s go picket PharrOut’s offices until they release the ballots to the Carter Foundation.

  24. Citizens!

    Your thirsty cry for democracy has been quenched by your benevolent newsy dictators!

    Lo, the results.

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