
Requiem for a Butt

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a brilliant composer. Excerpts from a recently translated letter show he was also a bit of a potty mouth. It may be the only thing we have in common, but I’ll take it.

Sunday funday

It started out like any normal Sunday and ended with me playing ninja. How my daughter, the weather, and a love for this city inspired a random act of kindness and a day of giving back.

Run, Checkout Girl, Run

Even a blabbermouth who lets it all hang out on the internet is entitled to a secret or two. One of mine involves a lot of sweating, panting, and smiling in the dark. Okay, two of mine.

All You Need is *mumblemumble*

The heat is on Ryan Seacrest, who didn’t return girlfriend Julianne Hough’s on-air affection. I’m proof that you don’t have to say love to feel love, but you might want to anyway.

Twitter? I hardly know her!

Married actor Brian Presley spent some time flirting with model Melissa Stetten, and she live-tweeted the whole experience. A good example of how you should be careful with what you say to strangers and why social media is like a gun you might want to keep holstered.

The Politics of Abstention

It’s an election year and the political climate is a tempest in a teapot. Here’s why I’ve decided to stay out of the fray and hug it out, instead. Oh, and you can have my vote.

A fish called murder

One Memorial Day, my father and his brother committed mass murder. Read about a beautiful gesture gone horribly wrong and why neither man should visit Sea World without looking over his shoulder.

A lady never tells

Birth records show that Loretta Lynn might be a tiny bit older than she claims. Well, so might I. Here’s why you should mind your own damn business about both.

World’s breast mom

Last week’s TIME magazine cover caused quite a stir. How a scientist and a bare breast brought the subject of attachment parenting to the forefront where everybody’s got an opinion and a boob jokes.

Good golly Miss Molly

It’s possible that the next queen of all media will not be someone with double K initials or a twenty-something pop tart but an old friend. Molly Ringwald is up in your internets, people, and she’s winning them.

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