
A true account of the life-changing magic of tidying up

A photo essay about how the Konmari method is more than an organizational strategy that encourages you to come face to face with your own things, but a philosophy that can truly cure what ails you.

Happiness Pioneers: Thoughts on integrating work and life

An essay about life, work, and just being cool with it all, by one of our favorite essayists, Sarah Fought.

Partner with your child and make some art: The latest 10 x 10 in action

Artist and elementary art educator Sarah Fought takes her two-year-old to Angela M. D. Allen’s new hands-on project/exhibit at 1708 Gallery.

The greater KonMari way: Life beyond the method

Sarah Fought checks in with where she is, who she is, and what her life is like now that Marie Kondo’s “tidying” method has turned her daily experience upside down.