
Overscheduled and overworked? Not you, your kid.

Soccer, Cub Scouts, youth group, piano lessons, ballet, swim team, and (oh yeah) school. Kids these days have A LOT going on. Is it too much?

The battle of the boob

In the state of Virginia, “No person shall be deemed to be in violation of [indecent exposure laws] for breastfeeding a child in any public place or any place where others are present.” So, what are your thoughts about nursing in public?

Rubber duckie, you’re the one. You made Saturday lots of fun.

The 20th Annual Duck Race benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters took place this weekend, and we managed to get some great shots. Have a look-see…

Boy or girl?

A couple in Sweden has a two-year-old child whose gender has never been revealed. By keeping the child’s gender a secret the couple is hoping to give the child a life free from a gender mold. Whoa, right? Is gender identity completely a social construct?

Agricultural education goes beyond “Old McDonald”

If you’re the mother of a young child, you know all the old standard kid hang outs in Richmond. So, when a new place pops up, we are there like white on rice. RVANews sent my kids and I to check out the latest addition at the Children’s Museum of Richmond: The Little Farm.

Kids and restaurants

What’s acceptable dining out behavior for kids? Should parents be concerned about what others think or just let their kids be kids? Find out what two local couples have to say and check out their top picks for local family-friendly restaurants.

Spare the rod?

It’s a touchy subject, but it brings to light a decision every parent has to make: do you/will you spank your kids? Find out what two sets of Richmond parents have to say about it (and tell us what you think).

A Fabulous Family Fourth

Wondering what to do with the family in good ole’ RVA this 4th? Check out our Fabulous Fourth Family guide to all the independence fun.

The Jon & Kate debate

Did he? Did she? Will they? Won’t they? Come join the conversation on everyone’s favorite family: The Gosselins. Don’t worry. We do discuss the hair.

TV: Magic Box or Box of Trouble?

Is TV really *that* bad for kids? Come. Share your thoughts. (Who are we kidding? Like you really need an invitation.)

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