
Silent Music Revival

Visit Gallery5 on January 5 at 8:00 p.m. for a free Silent Music Revival event. Buster Keaton’s silent short film “Sherlock Jr” will be shown and local musicians, The Green Boys,  will provide an improvised score.

Neighborhood History

On December 26, 1811, more than 70 people died during the 1811 Richmond Theater Fire in the Court End neighborhood. Monumental Church currently sits on the site of the destroyed theater. The ashes of the fire victims were buried in a crypt beneath the church floorboards. In 2012 Meredith Henne Baker published The 1811 Richmond Theater […]

Post holiday safety

Did you receive some awesome gifts for Christmas? Now that the holidays are over you are probably planning to put boxes and packaging in your recycling bin. Remember that the boxes you place in these bins are an advertisement for what is in your house and they tell anyone walking by that you have new […]

Happy Holidays

Sugar Shack Donuts add second location

Live in the neighborhood, but work a little farther downtown? Don’t have time to make it to Carver to pick up coffee and donuts for your office meetings? You are in luck. Sugar Shack Donuts has announced plans to open a second location downtown. The new location will be at 1110B East Main Street and […]

VCU plans to relocate police office

To help improve safety in the area, Virginia Commonwealth University has announced that they plan to relocate the VCU police office to Broad Street between the Monroe Park and medical campuses. The cost to relocate the police headquarters will be approximately $1 million. While crime on the campuses is down, VCU chief operating officer David […]

New Relay Foods pickup location

Do you use Relay Foods? On December 10, Relay added a new pickup location at the Richmond Ballet. On Tuesdays between 4:00-7:00 p.m., customers can now pick up their locally sourced groceries at the new location downtown. You are still able to pickup at the VCU Health System Child Care Center at 607 North 10th […]

Injured Red-Tailed Hawk Update

The Red-Tailed Hawk that was found  injured in late October at the intersection of Third and Marshall Streets has finally recovered enough to be released. The hawk was recently released in Augusta County.

Guys Night at Quirk Gallery

From Quirk Gallery: Quirk Gallery will be hosting “Guys Night”—a special holiday event to be held on the evening of Tuesday, December 10 from 6:00pm – 9:00pm.  This event is free and open to the public but will be geared toward male clientele and will offer the opportunity to do some holiday shopping for the spouses, […]

Court End Christmas Update

The 27th Annual Court End Christmas is today! Until 5:00 p.m. you will be able to visit historic sites for free in the Court End neighborhood of Richmond. Due to current weather conditions, there have been several cancellations and closings. Closings and cancellations include: The Beers House will be closed. The Egyptian Building will be […]

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