Tradition in transition: Libbie, Grove, And Patterson
A group of developers, business owners, and city officials are working on a plan to increase the connection between the Libbie & Grove and Patterson & Libbie shopping districts.
A group of developers, business owners, and city officials are working on a plan to increase the connection between the Libbie & Grove and Patterson & Libbie shopping districts.
You know how you’re always saying things like, “I live near all these museums and historical sites, and I never go to any of them?” Well, imagine how you’ll feel if you don’t go to any of them on the day that they’re all FREE! You’ll be saying things like, “Wow, I’m dumb.”
Vandailsm, political statement, or both? Statues of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis are anonymously defaced.
Anjali Forber-Pratt has been competing in races since she was 10. But she’s been bound to a wheelchair since she was just four months old. This weekend, she’ll be taking a break from her doctoral studies at the University of Illinois to compete in the Monument Avenue 10K here in Richmond.
The canines in this video are as athletic as they are adorable. Richmond SPCA hosted its 9th annual Dog Jog and 5K Run on Saturday, and hundreds of them brought their humans out for the fun.
From the press release: “A group of local residents began occupying Monroe Park in the hopes of sending a message to the local government and to finally put an end to the maltreatment of Richmond’s homeless population.”
Quidditch! We sent Doug The Intern over to VCU’s latest Quidditch match to grab a couple “moving pictures” of the Harry Potter pastime. So, for your enjoyment: a couple clips of how the game is played and some explanation by the capitan of VCU’s Wizengamot Quidditch team. So, totally awesome.
Qatar Day! While it may be a good time to celebrate and learn more about VCU’s satellite campus in Qatar, it definitely is a great time to see a camel!
There have been several theories as to why people go bald through the years, such as a general vibe of contempt from the universe or horrible mistakes made in a past life. But while questions of fate and karma might be more fun to ponder, it seems that the baldness mystery could be better placed within a more practical debate in our nation’s dialogue: stem cell research.