Early Reviews for “Oregon Hill”

From The Permanent Press blog: LibraryThing Early Reviewers have favorably praised Howard Owen’s newest novel Oregon Hill “This is pure classic noir in the best possible way…The plot moves along quickly with some interesting twists…to make every character three dimensional and to create a feel for the streets of Richmond.” “Owen creates a story that […]

From The Permanent Press blog:

LibraryThing Early Reviewers have favorably praised Howard Owen’s newest novel Oregon Hill

“This is pure classic noir in the best possible way…The plot moves along quickly with some interesting twists…to make every character three dimensional and to create a feel for the streets of Richmond.”

“Owen creates a story that is both suspenseful and rich in character development and the feeling of small town life…I am left with the desire to read the past works of Howard Owen.”

“Oregon Hill by Howard Owen is a character-driven mystery enhanced by the first-person observations of the very self-aware narrator, Willie Mays Black…It all makes for an entertaining and colorful mix of character, plot and setting.”

Hopefully, there will be more news on this novel soon. I hope there will be an interview soon on WRIR’s Wordy Birds.

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Oregon Hill

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