Chairman Brando’s Fancy Finds: Dec 8, ’10

With Freddie Mercury playing at the desk to my left to guide me, I bring you the latest installment of my Finds that are Fancy (according to a subset of the people around the world that are currently alive). If you’re not aware, scientists have recently concluded that listening to Queen makes any activity 200% more intense. Intense with a capital TENSE!!

With Freddie Mercury playing at the desk to my left to guide me, I bring you the latest installment of my Finds that are Fancy (according to a subset of the people around the world that are currently alive). If you’re not aware, scientists have recently concluded that listening to Queen makes any activity 200% more intense. Intense with a capital TENSE!!

Please note that the Plebeians of the Internet would have used the word “epic” in this situation rather than “intense.” Being (much) more than a simple pleb, however, I am quite aware that that word has been bastardized to the point that walking the dog is epic. A two-legged beast leading a four-legged beast by a rope about its neck — EPIC!! Wait. That does sound epic. Dammit.


The video quality sucks, but hey, it was uploaded before YouTube offered anything more than “shit” for its quality options.


Wanna know what happens when a nation with a sufficiently high population density drives motorized vehicles just like they do their usual non-motorized bicycles? Well, this happens:



Courtesy of M. Night Shyamalan. Not really; that guy’s lameszo. Here’s some linkage for you.

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Chairman Brando

Chairman Brando is the developer nerdguy for The Good Ship RVANews. He is good at finding things on the Internets and loves kitties (and puppies).

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