5 Things for Teens: A little art here, a little movie there, a little support here, a little festival there, a big fancy house here
Congrats on surviving the week! Here are five things to do this weekend.
Photo by Andy Roth
1. ART 180: Free Teen Workshop
Free art workshop that involves Relay Foods and collective creativity. Do I have your attention yet ? I hope I do. I would have my attention If I used the words free, art, and food in a sentence. Usually it’s not a bad combination, which is to say that I have high hopes about this workshop.
- Friday, May 13th • 4:00 – 6:00 PM
- ATLAS, 114 W Marshall Street
- Free!
2. Day of Action against School Closures
Our struggle towards improving schools in Richmond is not over. And as a community we need to band together to display our collective caring for our city and our youth. There is a persuasive power within having a lot of people in a place for one main reason. I don’t know how but I know it is usually pretty persuasive.
- Friday, May 13th • 4:30 – 5:45 PM
- City Hall, 400 E Broad Street
- Free!
3. Movies
Guys…Captain America: Civil War came out last week in theaters. It was. So. Amazing. I cannot even put into words how simply incredible it was. (Maybe I just did). Anyway, also some other movies came out last week. But guys… Captain America; Civil War was such an emotional rollercoaster…I have never been so stressed but excited from a movie in my life. Whether you like comics are not, at this level of greatness it’s an art form.
- Any day, in May
- Movieland, 1301 N.Boulevard @ W. Leigh Street
- $10 (prices may vary depending on showtimes)
4. The 9th Annual Jonny Z Festival
The Jonny Z Festival is one of my favorite festivals that I have been able to attend. So, I highly recommend going. Now, you may be asking yourself: “Who even was Jonny Z?” Well my dear questioning person, I shall not tell you, but instead I will encourage you to attend the festival and see what you hear.
- Sunday, May 15th • 12:00 – 6:00 PM
- Hardywood Craft Brewery, 2408 Ownby Lane
- Free!
5. Branch Family House Tour
The Branch Museum of Architecture and Design is a super low-key but super cool museum. For some strange reason, Richmond has a decent sized plethora of museums that also second as fancy-vintage-really old homes. An interesting phenomenon if I do say so, myself.
- Sunday, May 15th • 2:00 – 3:30 PM
- The Branch Museum of Architecture and Design, 2501 Monument Avenue
- $7 for members, $14 for non-members
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