Valentine Community Conversation to discuss Forest Hill

Found out what helped make Forest Hill what it is today.

From the Valentine:

Join the Valentine as it collaborates with Richmond Magazine, Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) and TMI Consulting to offer the fifth iteration of the “Community Conversations” series. Each conversation will feature panelists who will participate in the discussions to help create a comprehensive view of the history of the selected neighborhood and how it was molded into the place that we see it as today.

June 2nd from 6-8pm
The Valentine History Museum, 1015 E. Clay Street
Cost = FREE

Walking tour on June 6th from 10am-Noon
Location: Stone House at Forest Hill Park
$15 non-members, $5 members, and $5 children
Call 804-649-0711 dial 0 to make reservations

Image: Valentine

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Richard Hayes

When Richard isn’t rounding up neighborhood news, he’s likely watching soccer or chasing down the latest and greatest craft beer.

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