Get the optimal workout at the soon to open Orangetheory Fitness
Using a heart rate monitor and working to find your individual “Orange Zone” to optimize your workout.

From the press release:
Orangetheory® Fitness, the energizing and fastgrowing fitness franchise, today announced that the first Richmond, VA studio is coming soon. The first Richmond studio will be in TheCorner at Short Pump, located at the corner of Lauderdale Drive and West Broad Street. With three studiosalready open in Virginia and several more in development, the brand will continue to target the area for
expansion, with as many as 11 additional locations statewide.Owned and operated by a group of investors and fitness experts, the new studio will be celebrating its grand opening in late September.
“We are passionate about health and wellness and are excited to bring Orangetheory Fitness to our community,” said Yedda, Growth Strategist for Orangetheory Fitness Richmond and local Health and Fitness Expert and Adjunct Professor at VCU’s Dept. of Kinesiology and Health Science. “We can’t wait for Richmond residents to become part the Orangetheory family and start seeing results from this unique, high-energy workout.”
“Orangetheory classes are led by highly qualified motivational fitness trainers,” said Brooks Stone, a premier Group Training Expert and community leader in Richmond. Stone has partnered with Orangetheory Fitness to deliver this scientifically proven and technology based concept.
One Orangetheory Fitness workout is designed to burn up to 9x the amount of fat calories you typically burn in a normal day. This is accomplished by each participant wearing a heart rate monitor and working at their individual “Orange Zone” during a group training session where all participants receive aggregate workout summaries via email to track progress and results.
You can learn more about Orangetheory Fitness at their website, Facebook or this video.
Image: Orangetheory Fitness
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