The Storytellers Channel

What does your start-up business do? We operate workshops to help people craft and rehearse telling the stories they just have to tell. Next, they present their stories in showcase performances before audiences of family and friends. The stories are videoed, edited, and then streamed on the internet. How did your venture start? Several friends […]

What does your start-up business do?

We operate workshops to help people craft and rehearse telling the stories they just have to tell. Next, they present their stories in showcase performances before audiences of family and friends. The stories are videoed, edited, and then streamed on the internet.

How did your venture start?

Several friends came together in October 2012 for the joy of sharing stories. We rented the Richmond Triangle Players’ theater, sold out the house to our family and friends and, in short, had a great time. Gayle Turner (one of the storytellers and a former theater producer) realized there could be a business here.

How will you use the $10,000 cash prize to help your start-up?

We are trusted by our storytellers to protect their treasured stories. This intellectual property is their asset and the cornerstone of our business. To protect these potentially income-producing assets, we will invest the award towards the necessary attorney’s fees.

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  1. I’m the artistic director of an educational theatre company in Richmond, and a member of Actors Equity. My company uses the art of storytelling on a regular basis. I’d love to somehow be involved with this project!

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