5 things

Ok, Richmond, I know this week has been (in a word) FRIGID, but don’t let that keep you from heading out this weekend to enjoy all the good stuff Richmond has to offer. WE CAN DO THIS. Here you go: our picks for the hippest haps in RVA over the next few days.

Ok, Richmond, I know this week has been (in a word) FRIGID, but don’t let that keep you from heading out this weekend to enjoy all the good stuff Richmond has to offer. WE CAN DO THIS. Here you go: our picks for the hippest haps in RVA over the next few days.

1. Extraordinary Women’s Exchange featuring Bill Persky

The Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce is set to host an evening with Bill Persky, the Emmy-winning writer, director, and producer for shows like as the Dick Van Dyke Show, The Cosby Show, That Girl, and Kate & Allie. He’s also directed 22 pilots, one of which was…Who’s the Boss? Let’s take a minute to reflect on this being A Big Deal with a video:

Mr. Perksy will be sharing his thoughts on the topic of women in media throughout the years. Coffee and dessert will follow the presentation.

  • Thursday, January 13 (6pm to 8pm)
  • Virginia Historical Society (428 N. Boulevard)
  • $30 for Chamber members; $35 for non-members; $15 for students (valid student ID required); $40 at the door

2. Richmond Famous featuring Richmond Comedy Coalition and Kevin Clay

Here’s how it works: a local celebrity shares a story about his or her life. Then the members of Richmond Comedy Coalition “rip those stories open, yank out the delicious center, and present you with a high-energy barrage of scenes and characters based on what they heard.” Kevin Clay will serve as the celeb for this round — rightfully so as he’s the publisher of GayRVA.com and was named one of Style Weekly’s Top 40 Under 40.

  • Friday, January 14 (8pm)
  • Gallery5 (200 W. Marshall Street)
  • $7

3. Chris Farmer and Bryan Hooten: Dueling Soloists

As the info on the Facebook event page states:

Bryan will begin with solo trombone, Chris will follow with drums and robot keys, and other things may or may not present themselves.

There’s no way I can top that description, so I’m not going to try.

  • Friday, January 14 (9pm to midnight)
  • Sprout (1 N. Morris Street)
  • Free!

4. Party in the Park

Monroe Park is a hot topic of conversation in Richmond these days, and this event will help you understand why. Hosted by All Saints Theater Company, Party in the Park will celebrate the Monroe Park Campaign’s 1,000th petition signature to keep Monroe Park open and free during renovations. The event promises a parade headed up by No BS! Brass and All Saints (with their famous puppets in tow), music from local bands, face painting, a free(!) market of clothes and toys, and free (!!) food and drinks from Cafe Gutenberg, Crossroads, Lamplighter. If you like what the Monroe Park Campaign is doing, this a great way to show your support; if you don’t or aren’t sure, use it as a chance to see what they’re about.

  • Saturday, January 15 (noon)
  • Monroe Park
  • Free!

5. Real Richmond Food Tour — Shockoe Bottom/Church Hill: Shock & Awe

Sample what’s cooking at five locally-owned restaurants in two of the oldest and most interesting areas in Richmond. But the best part is, you’ll be walking to each restaurant, so it’s like the food totally won’t count. The entire tour is 1.4 miles and stops include Cafe Gutenberg, Sensi, and Globehopper.

  • Saturday, January 15 (2pm to 4:30pm)
  • Starts at Cafe Gutenberg (1700 E. Main Street)
  • $39 plus a $1.99 processing fee

Don’t forget: Monday is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. We’ll be posting a list of MLK Day events tomorrow, so keep an eye out for them!

Feel free to leave shout-outs for other events in the comments while you’re here.

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Valerie Catrow

Valerie Catrow is editor of RVAFamily, mother to a mop-topped first grader, and always really excited to go to bed.

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