Henrico Redistricting: Wyndham Forest Supports Pairing #3
Editor’s Note: The Henrico redistricting process has been a long and bitter battle between neighborhoods in the Far West End. The opinions below are of a Wyndham Forest parent who supports the third redistricting option we reported on last week. We welcome all viewpoints on the redistricting matter. Write an article with your opinions and […]
Editor’s Note: The Henrico redistricting process has been a long and bitter battle between neighborhoods in the Far West End. The opinions below are of a Wyndham Forest parent who supports the third redistricting option we reported on last week. We welcome all viewpoints on the redistricting matter. Write an article with your opinions and email it to us, and we’ll post it on the Op/Ed section of the site for the community to read.
The Henrico County school redistricting process is coming down to the home stretch and I need your help in making sure we get the best result. As you may know, the Henrico Count School Board was presented the original 2 pairings that were a result of the community driven process. After careful review of these proposal’s the School board asked the the Board asked the staff (Dr. Blumenthal and Mr. Kinlaw) to prepare, a Hybrid 3rd Pairing with the goal to pull the best from both Pairings. The Staff agreed to this task.
As a result, another Board meeting was scheduled for April 30th with the primary purpose to allow the Staff to time to create and present a 3rd Pairing. At April 30th hearing, the Henrico County staff presented what appears to be a best of both worlds type plan in Pairing #3. It appears as though they started with High School Pairing #1 and tweak from there. They really focused on proximity, driving neighborhoods, etc. I really think Pairing #3 is the best plan for the county and really takes into account proximity as well as the following:
- Blends the best of the work by the redistricting committee
- Best recognizes the importance of neighborhood schools and the value of community involvement to foster good education
- Better balances student enrollment and school capacity
- May save taxpayers money by minimizing transportation costs
The school board is asking everyone to comment on the three final proposals or “pairings,” and I’d like you to support Pairing 3.
Pairing 3 is best for my community, Wyndham Forest, because it allows us to stay at Deep Run High School, which is less than a mile away. There is a sidewalk the whole way to the school. Pairing 2 would send us to the new Glen Allen High School, which I am sure will be great, but its 5 1/2 miles away. For further details you can see my previous post at: http://best4henrico.blogspot.com/2009/04/supporting-pairing-1-for-henrico-county.html.
You can provide your feedback by going to the HCPS website.
Please remember: Pairing 3 as the primary choice. Pairing 1 is okay as well, but not ideal and Pairing 2 is the not well suited to the needs of the community as a whole.
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