Capital Style!

Richmond Fashion Weeks seems to get bigger and better every year. This edition of Capital! Style captures what was worn in, out of, and around this year’s RVA Fashion Week.

Richmond Fashion Weeks seems to get bigger and better every year. This edition of Capital! Style captures what was worn in, out of, and around this year’s RVA Fashion Week.

The classic Ray-Ban Wayfarer makes the perfect pair sunglasses for spring or any season.

Wearing accessorize can sometimes be tricky; however, this gentleman’s rings, necktie bar and hat, take his outfit to the next level.

Britt Sebastian’s Hollywood Cemetery menswear label showing at the RVA Fashion Week Finale.

Perfect colors for an early spring evening.

Derrick is always put together, but what else would you expect from someone that is a manager at Richmond’s Hugo Boss?

Uncreated/Recreated was one of my favorite shows from Fashion Week. The show was comprised of reconstructed designs, animal inspired masks, and puppies strutting the runway.

If you would like to submit a photo for the next edition of Capital Style, please send it to All submissions are welcome!

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Brian McDaniel

Brian McDaniel can be found somewhere in Richmond drinking sweet tea tea working on a Sudoku puzzle. For more Richmond fashion visit

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