Speeding fines going up
If you’re caught speeding, you’ll be fined an extra $1 per mile under a budget amendment approved by the General Assembly.
From Capital News Service reporter Christian Wright…
If you’re caught speeding, you’ll be fined an extra $1 per mile under a budget amendment approved by the General Assembly.
The House of Delegates and the Senate increased the speeding fine from $5 per mile to $6. The increase, proposed as an amendment to the state budget by Gov. Bob McDonnell, is the first boost in speeding fines in 11 years.
Revenue from the increase in speeding fines will go to the state’s Literary Fund, which benefits education and teacher retirement programs.
McDonnell’s recommendation was approved 30-9 in the Senate and 50-46 in the House on Wednesday.
Delegate Joseph Morrissey, D-Charles City, opposed the amendment.
“This is a revenue and policy measure, not simply a correction to the budget,” Morrissey said. “This measure has nothing to do with retributive justice.”
However, as Delegate R. Steven Landes, R-Augusta, noted, the governor is simply revising a fine and not a fee or tax.
“This is just a traffic fine, not a fee. We’re punishing people who are committing a violation of the Virginia Code,” Landes said.
The higher fine will take effect July 1.
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