Has Brad Pitt ever been in a bad movie?

This is the question movie nerds. Can you name a bad Brad Pitt movie? The question is NOT “can you go to imdb and find a bad movie he was in?” Can you name one drawing from all of your internal Brad Pitt resources? Let us know – we are having a savage inter-office debate.

This is the question movie nerds. Can you name a bad Brad Pitt movie? The question is NOT “can you go to imdb and find a bad movie he was in?” Can you name one drawing from all of your internal Brad Pitt resources? Let us know – we are having a savage inter-office debate.

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Matthew E. White

Notice: Comments that are not conducive to an interesting and thoughtful conversation may be removed at the editor’s discretion.

  1. Kyle on said:

    Um… A River Runs Through It was awful. So was Legends of the Fall.

  2. tincupchalice on said:

    Johnny Suede. It made refuse to watch any thing he was in for yeeaars! I still can’t get the image of him sticking his hand down in underwear, then smelling his hand, then him going “ew.” Anytime I think he’s sexy, I remember that part of the movie.

  3. I thought Mr. and Mrs. Smith was horrible.

  4. mattwhite on said:

    i think consensus public opinion might disagree with all 3 of those assertions. I dont know, maybe not and that of course is not the point…but it is a little bit.

  5. I fell asleep (in the theatre) watching Meet Joe Black.

  6. Liberty on said:

    that new Pitt clooney man-love movie was so bad i cant remember the name of it, nor did i see it(would never spend a penny on such drivel), but in a trailer on tv i saw pitt dancing vomitatiously and thats all i had to see. I cant think of a brad pitt movie that is good, oh yeah brad pitt took a sh&% was great.


  8. And guys, I loved A River Runs Through It. It was when Brad was still boyishly handsome.

  9. Chris Wolf on said:

    His recent stuff… Troy was pretty lame if you ask me (except that opening scene when he kills that giant dude with a spear). And what are they on now, Ocean’s 37? I mean come on.

  10. What constitutes a bad movie? Rottentomatoes.com averages the opinions of movie critics. Brad Pitt’s total output averages 62%. I’d say a bad movie is less than 60% (The Mexican, Meet Joe Black, Interview with the Vampire, Jonny Suede, The Devil’s Own, Troy, Oceans Twelve, and maybe Seven Years in Tibet).


  11. Oh good lord, Cool World was one of the worst things I have ever witnessed. Also, to truly answer the question “Has Brad Pitt ever been a bad movie?”, I would have to say no, because Brad Pitt is not a movie.

  12. WTF why didn’t anyone consult me on this immediately. Brad Pitt has been in a million bad movies! Cool World, Meet Joe Black, Legends of the Fall, Mr. and Mrs. Smith come to mind…

    Furthermore, I’m pretty sure all of the above (maybe not Legends of the Fall) were box office bombs, if that’s Matt White’s definition of “bad movie.”


  14. I thought that Smith movie was charming. It reminded me of my marriage.

  15. The answer to this raging office debate? In a word, NO. Never.

  16. Tammy on said:

    Meet Joe Black was not only a bad movie, it’s quite possibly on my list of the worst ten movies ever made.

  17. Pingback: Has Jennifer Aniston ever been in a good movie? | RVANews

  18. Alicia Keys is so beautiful, talented, and nice…i love her music they let you see what’s good about love…

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