5 things…

We’re coming atcha a bit early with the 5 things because the goodness is getting an early start this week. Feast your eyes on these bits of goodness… 1. “Don’t Be a Fool” at Bar Louie I knoooooooow, it’s out in Short Pump, but they’ve put together a special April Fool’s event to celebrate the […]

We’re coming atcha a bit early with the 5 things because the goodness is getting an early start this week. Feast your eyes on these bits of goodness…

1. “Don’t Be a Fool” at Bar Louie

I knoooooooow, it’s out in Short Pump, but they’ve put together a special April Fool’s event to celebrate the opening of their new patio. Yes, a PATIO! If you’re from Richmond, you probably need little more convincing and can stop reading right now. For those of you not sold yet, what if I told you they are having a DUNKING BOOTH??? There will also be lots of games going on along with a DJ. And as this event falls on a Wednesday, you can take advantage of their bucket of five beers for $5 deal. Wednesday, April 1st, 11788 West Broad Street.

2. Omback at Cous Cous

Omback! It’s like a who’s who of RVANews music contributors. Bryan Hooten! Trey Pollard! And local percussion genius Brian Jones! Come enjoy the jazzy goodness at Cous Cous. And be sure to have some curry platas while you’re there. Wednesday, April 1st, 9:30pm, 900 West Franklin Street, FREE!

3. Eggcellent Family Day

Ha! Eggcellent. That’s my favorite Easter joke. Celebrating its 8th year of springtime fun, this VMFA event is just about as good as it gets for the little ones. They’re promising an egg hunt, a visit from Hoppity Rabbit, a performance by The Richmond Indigenous Gourd Orchestra (I didn’t know there was one either!), and – you guessed it – FACE PAINTING! This events is recommended for ages 3 to 12. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Saturday, April 4th, 10am to 12pm, 200 North Boulevard, $8 ($6 for members). Call (804) 340-1405 to register.

4. 12th Annual Fairy Tale Ball

We don’t get a lot of opportunities to get all gussied up in this town, particularly for a good cause. But thanks to Theatre IV, we now have a chance. The theme of this formal, costume-optional, family-friendly event is based around Annie, Theatre IV’s Family Playhouse season finale and will include activities for kids, catered cocktail buffet, live music, complimentary photos of you and your fam all dressed up, and an auction. Proceeds will be used to benefit Theatre IV. Saturday, April 4th, 5:30pm to 9:30pm, Empire Theatre, 114 West Broad Street, $80 for adults, $30 for kids. Go here to buy tickets or call (804) 344-8040 to avoid the processing fee.

5. Movies & Mimosas

Four words for you: The Godfather. Booze. Enjoy.
Sunday, April 5th, 11am, 1301 North Boulevard, $5.50 ($4.50 with your Criterion Club Card), drinks cost extra.

Know of anything else going on this week? Leave them in the comments.

(If you have an event coming up that you want help promoting, shoot us an email. It just might make the list!)

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Valerie Catrow

Valerie Catrow is editor of RVAFamily, mother to a mop-topped first grader, and always really excited to go to bed.

Notice: Comments that are not conducive to an interesting and thoughtful conversation may be removed at the editor’s discretion.

  1. Also Michelle Lopez will be showing at the Henry gallery opening this Friday.

    For more info check http://www.michellelopez.com/

  2. DAH! I was just about to post that. JERRRRRRRRK.

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