10 things you should do on Friday afternoon
I found this today on another blog. 10 things to do on a Friday afternoon. 1. Clean up your desk, file the important documents, throw out the rest. Make your desktop visible again. 2. De-fragment and tidy up your computer and files, backup important information. Boring, but has to be done right? 3. Make a […]
I found this today on another blog. 10 things to do on a Friday afternoon.
1. Clean up your desk, file the important documents, throw out the rest. Make your desktop visible again.
2. De-fragment and tidy up your computer and files, backup important information. Boring, but has to be done right?
3. Make a list of the projects and tasks you wish to deal with on Monday morning. Make Monday easier.
4. Review your calendar and schedule for the coming week, confirm appointments and make sure you’re prepared for meetings and presentations. Be on time and prepared.
5. Return all pending phone calls that have accumulated during the week. Follow-up.
6. Clean up your email inbox. Follow-up, follow-through, keep the communication moving.
7. Smile a lot, get excited about the weekend. Think of the future, not the past.
8. Call your spouse, significant other or best friend. Tell them to get dressed up and go out to a casual relaxing place that you have not been to in a while. It should remind you why you worked so hard all week. Give yourself a reward. Enjoy it.
9. If you are in a leadership or management position. Get out of your office and walk around, talk to people about anything but work. Ask if they have something special or exciting planned for the weekend. Listen and learn.
10. Do small random acts of kindness for subordinates and co-workers, these might include; give out Milk Duds and Lemonheads, buy a lottery ticket for everyone, take the “front line” workers out for a drink. Random acts of kindness. No ulterior motives.
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11. Scott’s mom.
Man… that’s just wrong. Let me share something with you that someone wise told me once – “…be nice and don’t embarrass yourself.” – I can’t remember WHO said it though *bites lip*