Archives: visual arts center

Harvest presents Spring Open!

Have some art with your weekend.

Visual Art Center’s Present Factory Homemade Holiday Open House tonight

Make presents, enjoy hot cocoa, holiday movies and more art than you can shake a stick at.

Celebrate 50 years of the Visual Arts Center with beer, crafts and design

Local crafters mix with national crafters all while you enjoy local craft beers.

Visual Arts Center is looking for a few good interns

A great opportunity for those looking for an internship.

5 Things for Families

No. It is the heat and the humidity, guys. But there’s enough fun stuff happening in town this weekend that I think we’ll be able to suppress the feeling that we’re all going to burst into flames at any second. Have a look-see…

It takes a village

5 Things for Families

Well-rounded weekend alert! Parents, get on this.

Visual Arts Center celebrates 50 years with Craft + Design Show

In the late 1960s, the Visual Arts Center operated out of a Church Hill residence. It’s now a bustling 30,000-square-foot epicenter for art.

5 Things

This 5 Things is completely holiday free, and if all goes as planned, you’ll start next week with new ink stuck in your skin and the tune from a classic musical or a light-hearted opera stuck in your head.

5 Things for Families

Because I mentioned the State Fair of Virginia last week, I won’t take up a spot for it this time and will let some proper Richmond events get highlighted.
