Archives: labor day

The perfect slider

Chris Mattera told us how to make a perfect slider back in 2010, and we’re still using his recipe. Yes, this is what you should bring to that cookout today.

5 Things for Labor Day

Lets carpe friggin’ diem on Labor Day with these bizarre, delicious, and pooch-friendly events.

Food news: critics, coffee, panels, and lawsuits

This week in RVA food news, we’ve got a new coffee place downtown, an interesting lawsuit, an incredible food panel, and more.

Happy Labor Day!

Now, here’s some stuff to do on your day off.

Momentum builds to let schools open before Labor Day

Gov. Robert McDonnell wants to give Virginia school systems the authority to start classes before Labor Day with a proposal to repeal Virginia’s so-called “Kings Dominion law.” The law prohibits public schools from opening before Labor Day unless they obtain a waiver from the state.