Archives: jimmy sneed

BlowToad closes, Rappahannock opens, and Secco’s new expansion

We hear from Jimmy Sneed about BlowToad closing, two highly anticipated new restaurants open, and Secco’s new space for parties and events is available for the holidays.

Bobby Kruger: shaking and stirring Richmond’s cocktails

Over the last several years, Bobby Kruger has become a staple of Richmond’s craft cocktail scene. Part science with a splash of art thrown in the mix, Bobby is giving Richmond tastebuds a whole new appreciation for cocktails.

BlowToad opens its doors, more drama at Fanhouse, and Peter Chang opens his long-awaited China Café

A culinary mastermind that’s been featured in the New York Times brings his Sichuan dishes to the area, one of the tastiest charity events of the year still has tickets available, and Richmond’s talented restaurant community will be honored by the Elby’s

Blowtoad should be open by the end of next week

BlowToad will open in Carytown in the former Double T’s space at the end of next week. Chef Jimmy Sneed will be serving up pizza, sandwiches and 24 craft beers on tap.