Youth Baseball in Fulton Hill

The Diamond no longer has Braves baseball games, but Fulton Hill does have the Powhatan Hill Chiefs. We have teams competing in three different age groups: ages 7 to 8 (Machine Pitch); ages 9 to 10 (Minors); and ages 11 to 12 (Majors). Come out and support the Powhatan Hill Community Center’s youth baseball teams. […]

The Diamond no longer has Braves baseball games, but Fulton Hill does have the Powhatan Hill Chiefs. We have teams competing in three different age groups: ages 7 to 8 (Machine Pitch); ages 9 to 10 (Minors); and ages 11 to 12 (Majors). Come out and support the Powhatan Hill Community Center’s youth baseball teams. Home games are played at the Powhatan Hill playground; bring a lawn chair and enjoy some good youth baseball (weather permitting). Concessions will be available at some games; call the center (646-0973) for more details.

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