Yard Sale benefiting VCU Theatre seniors
The senior class of 2010 has the opportunity this year to visit New York City, Chicago, DC, and FINALLY…Los Angeles (!!!) to showcase our talents to casting agents, theatre companies, casting directors, and more! The list of opportunities we have is so extensive, we can’t even post all of it on one page of paper. […]
The senior class of 2010 has the opportunity this year to visit New York City, Chicago, DC, and FINALLY…Los Angeles (!!!) to showcase our talents to casting agents, theatre companies, casting directors, and more!
The list of opportunities we have is so extensive, we can’t even post all of it on one page of paper. But with these opportunities, we will be able to network with some of the most important people in these cities and hopefully land some awesome jobs out of the relationships we create (plus, of course, our talent). We will be able to learn things about our business that will help us grow as people and artists, and build a long lasting career that we can truly be proud of.
All we are asking of you is your support.
On Saturday October 17, 2009 we are holding a Yard Sale of EPIC PROPORTIONS!
If you would like to help you can either:
- Donate anything you no longer need sitting around your house taking up space (ie: Furniture, electronics, children’s clothing that no longer fits you, your shoes from the 8th grade, books etc.)
- You can show up on Saturday and buy buy buy!
Anything that you do will help us reach our goals!
If you would like to donate anything for the yard sale, you can send an e-mail to Caylyn Temple or call her at 804-306-6227 and she will either come pick your donations up herself, or she will come bringing a whole host of seniors to take it from you! You don’t have to do anything but tells us where it is!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot!
The yard sale will be taking place at 4505 Seminary Ave. Richmond, Va 23227
Any questions?
E-mail or call Caylyn Temple
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