WBCH Carnival on August 20th
William Byrd Community House will hold its annual CARNIVAL on Thursday, August 20, 2009 from 4:00- 7:00 pm. Traditionally for WBCH program participants and their families, this year’s event is open to the public. Come and visit the information and enrollment booths for our Early Childhood Education (ages 3-5), AfterSchool (ages 5-12), and Career Readiness […]
William Byrd Community House will hold its annual CARNIVAL on Thursday, August 20, 2009 from 4:00- 7:00 pm. Traditionally for WBCH program participants and their families, this year’s event is open to the public. Come and visit the information and enrollment booths for our Early Childhood Education (ages 3-5), AfterSchool (ages 5-12), and Career Readiness programs (ages 14-24), as well as our Library & Byrd House Market and Family Support & Emergency Services programs.
The annual CARNIVAL co-sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Richmond and Capital One will feature games, arts and craft activities, moon bounces, slides, food and drink.
Founded in 1923, William Byrd Community House provides a full range of prevention-oriented, community-based programs to empower the individual, strengthen the family, and enhance neighborhoods. William Byrd Community House gives the working poor access to services for their most pressing needs such as viable housing, health care, employment and education. The goal of the agency is to work with community partners to find the appropriate pathway to success for those who walk through the door looking for help.
For more information contact Jessica Turner, Development Associate at 643-2717 or jturner@wbch.org.
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