Video: Presidential Hopeful Newt Gingrich Speaks at Short Pump Hilton
Republican Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich spoke to a relatively small but energetic group at the Hilton Richmond Hotel & Spa Thursday morning as part of a fundraiser for the Republican Party of Virginia.
Republican Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich spoke to a relatively small but energetic group at the Hilton Richmond Hotel & Spa Thursday morning as part of a fundraiser for the Republican Party of Virginia.
Gingrich, who took the stage after remarks by Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, underscored Virginia’s role in shaping the Constitution and his beliefs in its principles, before taking aim at President Obama.
“[Obama has] a radical attitude towards class warfare, which is crippling this country, and it’s fundamentally wrong,” Gingrich said during his speech.
Gingrich added, “These are perilous times. But nobody here should be confused about this– you have inherited…the most extraordinary government in history, and the fact is, it can all be lost in a generation. I believe the election next year will be the most important in our lifetimes, and maybe in 150 years.”
Newt Gingrich’s speech can be viewed in full in our video below:
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