Timbre, Molly Parden, Classical Revolution next up for Listening Room
The Listening Room No.45 Tuesday, December 10, 2013, 7:30 PM Firehouse Theatre Project @ 1609 West Broad Street The Greater Richmond Foundry is pleased to bring you: The Listening Room No.45 Timbrehttp://timbre.bandcamp.com/ Molly Pardenhttp://mollyparden.com/ Classical Revolutionhttp://classicalrevolutionrva.com/ Doors at 7:30 Music at 8:00 $5 Suggested Donation Poster by Duncan Robertsonhttp://www.duncanrobertsonillustration.com/ Sponsored by The Richmond Scene, The […]
The Listening Room No.45
Tuesday, December 10, 2013, 7:30 PM
Firehouse Theatre Project @ 1609 West Broad Street
The Greater Richmond Foundry is pleased to bring you:
http://timbre.bandcamp.com/Molly Parden
http://mollyparden.com/Classical Revolution
http://classicalrevolutionrva.com/Doors at 7:30
Music at 8:00$5 Suggested Donation
Poster by Duncan Robertson
http://www.duncanrobertsonillustration.com/Sponsored by The Richmond Scene, The Firehouse Theatre Project, Apropos Roasters, Wythken Printing and Richmond Camera Professional Services, Triple Stamp Press
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