This week’s calendar
Church Hill Central Civic Association; RECYCLING WEEK; Church Hill Association; Nathaniel Bacon Civic Association; Open Mic @ Poe\’s; Adult Computer Class ; Robinson theater Puppet Show & Magic; Union Hill Civic Association; Whitcomb Court Tenant Council; RVA Hoop Lovers in Chimborazo Park; Tricycle Gardens’ Farmstand; Family Movie Night @ Robinson Theater; RVANews Beer Dinner at […]
Church Hill Central Civic Association; RECYCLING WEEK; Church Hill Association; Nathaniel Bacon Civic Association; Open Mic @ Poe\’s; Adult Computer Class ; Robinson theater Puppet Show & Magic; Union Hill Civic Association; Whitcomb Court Tenant Council; RVA Hoop Lovers in Chimborazo Park; Tricycle Gardens’ Farmstand; Family Movie Night @ Robinson Theater; RVANews Beer Dinner at The Roosevelt; MORE…
Church Hill Central Civic Association
Mon Jan 16 7:00 pm
Every third Monday of each month. Picnic meeting in August at the Tricycle Gardens’ orchard 1626 N 27th Street
Mon Jan 16 4:00 pm
Church Hill Association
Tue Jan 17 7:00 pm
Every 3rd Tues
Nathaniel Bacon Civic Association
Tue Jan 17 5:30 pm
3rd Tues at Nathaniel Bacon
Open Mic @ Poe’s
Tue Jan 17 8:30 pm
All musicians welcome! Support local business and local music talent. Music open Mic is every Tuesday at Poe’s. Hosted by local CH resident, Jim Daab. Sign-up is at 8:30 pm. Bring your own instruments and tell your friends. Jim has instruments and congas that you can use as well.
Adult Computer Class
Wed Jan 18 10:00 am
A series of classes for very beginners. The series is usually 4 weeks, and you need to call and sign up. Contact Sarah O’Neill at the East End Branch Library at (804) 646-4474 or
Robinson theater Puppet Show & Magic
Wed Jan 18 10:00 am
Be amazed and inspired with Jesse the Juggler. FREE puppet and magic show open for all ages, geared towards pre-schoolers. More info contact Betsy at 562-9133
Union Hill Civic Association
Wed Jan 18 7:00 pm
Every 3rd Wednesday
Whitcomb Court Tenant Council
Wed Jan 18 5:30 pm
Every 3rd Wed at Whitcomb Court Rec Center
RVA Hoop Lovers in Chimborazo Park
Thu Jan 19
The RVA Hoop Lovers are in Chimborazo Park each Thursday night from 7pm-Sunset at the large gazebo. The RVA Hoop Lovers bring piles of hoops, music, and loads of energy to share with everyone that would like to join in on the fun, and learn more about Hoop Dance. We’ve been having a BLAST
Tricycle Gardens’ Farmstand
Thu Jan 19 4:00 pm
at 2107 Jefferson Avenue
Family Movie Night @ Robinson Theater
Fri Jan 20 7:00 pm
Family Movie Night only 25 CENTS!
Snack Bar open with freshly popped popcorn, candy, drinks and more ($1 or less)
Bring the whole family and enjoy a movie on the big screen.
RVANews Beer Dinner at The Roosevelt
Sun Jan 22 7:00 pm
On January 22, 2012 we’ll be hosting a 4 course meal, each with a beer paired specifically for the dish, at The Roosevelt for 45 people.
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