This week’s calendar
6th District Meeting: Rebuilding the Richmond City Jail; An Afternoon with Eliza Poe; Church Hill Reunion; East End Senior Information Fair; Asbury Homecoming Street Festival 2010; Rachel’s Farmstand; City Council Formal Meeting; Creighton Tenant Council ; Friends of Chimborazo Park Playground; Mosby Court Tenant Council; RECYCLING WEEK; Church Hill Association meeting; Oakwood-Chimborazo Association; Open Mic […]
6th District Meeting: Rebuilding the Richmond City Jail; An Afternoon with Eliza Poe; Church Hill Reunion; East End Senior Information Fair; Asbury Homecoming Street Festival 2010; Rachel’s Farmstand; City Council Formal Meeting; Creighton Tenant Council ; Friends of Chimborazo Park Playground; Mosby Court Tenant Council; RECYCLING WEEK; Church Hill Association meeting; Oakwood-Chimborazo Association; Open Mic @ Poe’s; Adult Computer Class ; Beginner’s Yoga; Union Hill Civic Association; Whitcomb Court Tenant Council; John Marshall at Armstrong; RPS The Choice; MORE…
6th District Meeting: Rebuilding the Richmond City Jail
Sat Sep 11 10:00 am
Councilwoman Ellen F. Robertson will hold a 6th District meeting on Saturday, September 11, at the Conrad Center at 1400 Oliver Hill Way. The agenda for the meeting includes: Rebuilding the Richmond City Jail, History of Richmond’s Eastview neighborhood as the first middle-class housing subdivision developed specifically for blacks in Richmond.
An Afternoon with Eliza Poe
Sat Sep 11 2:00 pm
MINDS WIDE OPEN: Virginia Celebrates Women in the Arts is the first statewide celebration of its kind. Between March and June of 2010, thousands of special events will occur to honor contributions by women to arts and culture. Any individual or group can participate by presenting at least one public program focused on women.
St. John’s Church’s cemetery is the final resting place of Elizabeth Arnold Poe, Edgar Allan Poe’s birth mother and an accomplished stage actress in her day. Eliza was known for her theatrical versatility, her comedic skill, and her beautiful singing voice. She was twenty-four when she passed away in Richmond in 1811, and at the time of her death she was on her way to achieving national stardom. Eliza Poe will tell about her tragically short life story and perform selections from her vast repertoire.
Cost is $6.00 for adults; $5.00 for seniors; $4.00 for ages 7-18; free for under 7. Please call 804.648.5015 or email for more information.
Church Hill Reunion
Sat Sep 11
East End Senior Information Fair
Sat Sep 11 10:00 am
The 2010 Richmond East End Senior Information Fair will include information on housing services, fire safety, police protection, legal affairs, employment opportunities, public health, and home winterization. All Richmond East End 7th District citizens are invited and encouraged to attend; this event is free and open to the public. Saturday, September 10AM-noon @ Peter Paul Development Center.
Asbury Homecoming Street Festival 2010
Sun Sep 12 12:00 pm
The Asbury United Methodist Church 2010 Homecoming Street Festival will be held this coming Sunday (Sep.12) from noon-4:30PM at Asbury UMC (324 North 29th Street):
The celebration is planned as a street festival where neighboring streets around N. 29th Street will be blocked off to accommodate the events including entertainment of all kinds – gospel singing, bands, spoken word, jugglers, praise dancers-prizes, face-painting, free food, and much more.
Rachel’s Farmstand
Sun Sep 12 12:00 pm
Fresh Produce 12-2pm every Sunday. Fresh from my garden to your table. Grown the way nature intended
with NO harmful chemicals. Fresh Tomatoes & Tomato Plants, Peppers, Onions, Herbs, Zucchini, Cucumbers, Squash. 22nd and Carrington
City Council Formal Meeting
Mon Sep 13 6:00 pm
Every 2nd and 4th Mon – Responsible for deciding official Council action, which includes discussing, adopting, rejecting, and amending laws and approving the budget. Formal meetings include a time for pubic comment and are televised live on the local PBS station and are replayed in Richmond on Government Access Channel 17, beginning at Noon and 7:00 p.m. daily.
Richmond Council Chambers, Richmond City Hall, 2nd floor; 900 E. Broad Street
Typically the second and forth Monday of each month; 6:00-8:30 p.m. (With the exception of August, when no Formal meetings are held, and holidays)
Creighton Tenant Council
Mon Sep 13 5:30 pm
Every 2nd Mon at 2101 Creighton Road
Friends of Chimborazo Park Playground
Mon Sep 13 7:00 pm
Every 2nd Monday at EDI
Mosby Court Tenant Council
Mon Sep 13 5:00 pm
Every 2nd Mon at Community Center 1543 Coalter Street
Mon Sep 13 3:00 pm
Church Hill Association meeting
Tue Sep 14 7:00 pm
The September meeting of the Church Hill Association has been moved forward a week to Tuesday, September 14:
The date change is because the CHA has to give its input into the City’s Land Use Committee which is having its final review of the CAR Task Force Report on the 21st Sept – which would be our normal meeting date.
Oakwood-Chimborazo Association
Tue Sep 14 6:00 pm
At the Boys and Girls Club – 3701 R Street
Open Mic @ Poe’s
Tue Sep 14 8:15 pm
Weekly Open Mic every Tuesday at Poe’s Pub, hosted by Jim Daab. Sign up at 8:15, music at 9PM
Adult Computer Class
Wed Sep 15 10:00 am
At the East End Library – Meet the Mouse. Very basic instruction for the complete novice who doesn’t like computers, has to learn to use one, and is ready to have some fun. Class size is limited. First come, first serve.
Beginner’s Yoga
Wed Sep 15 7:00 pm
@ Neighborhood Resource Center – 1519 Williamsburg Road – Relax, renew and do something great for the community! All proceeds benefit the Neighborhood Resource Center. Suggested $10 donation. Call (804)864-5797 or visit for more information.
Union Hill Civic Association
Wed Sep 15 7:00 pm
Every 3rd Wednesday
Whitcomb Court Tenant Council
Wed Sep 15 5:30 pm
Every 3rd Wed at Whitcomb Court Rec Center
John Marshall at Armstrong
Fri Sep 17 5:00 pm
Home opener!
RPS The Choice
Sat Sep 18 10:00 am
Richmond Public Schools is pleased to bring The Choice campaign to the 6th & 7th Districts on Saturday, September 18, 2010. Beginning at 10 a.m. – noon, the roll out of this campaign will kickoff at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School with students, staff, parents and community volunteers canvassing the neighborhoods of the 6th and 7th Districts and highlighting the vast opportunities our district provides. This multi-tiered marketing initiative marks the district’s first broad-based public awareness effort designed to retain and recruit local students and families.
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