The alternatives to a roundabout at Hermitage and Laburnum
As we all know the intersection is far too dangerous to leave as is — something will be done, roundabout or not. Currently City Council is looking at three options: The proposed roundabout This is the one everyone knows about. On paper it is safer, quicker, prettier to look at, and keeps AP Hill firmly beneath the […]
As we all know the intersection is far too dangerous to leave as is — something will be done, roundabout or not. Currently City Council is looking at three options:
The proposed roundabout
This is the one everyone knows about. On paper it is safer, quicker, prettier to look at, and keeps AP Hill firmly beneath the intersection. It is also paid for by state/federal funds leaving the City to pay a total of $600. There has been some backlash against the roundabout. Reasons include: parking, safety, and proximity to the school.
Removing the statue
This option would remove the statue, several significant chunks of the medians leading into the intersection, and install four permanent left turn lanes. You can see a drawing of what it would look like here. I would imagine the historical groups in the area are not going to favor this option. This would be the costliest option: estimated at $750,000 not including cost of relocating the statue and grave.
No left turns, ever
Possibly the only practical alternative, prohibiting left turns from all ways at all times. This would be cheaper than removing the statue, but still cost up to $8,000 for signage along with the $75,000 the city must reimburse if they choose not to continue with the roundabout. Also you’d imagine there would be a bunch of drivers cutting through the nearby neighborhoods.
Council votes on this next week. If you have opinions on this one way or the other email them BEFORE MONDAY. It is rumored that several council people are still on the fence!
- Ellen Robertson –
- Bruce Tyler –
- Kathy Graziano –
- Marty Jewell –
- Betty Squire –
- Reva Trammell –
Here are the the following documents that were presented at the Land Use Housing and Transportation Committee regarding the proposed roundabout alternatives:
- Laburnum Ave. and Hermitage Rd. Intersection Evaluation (PDF)
- Proposed dedicated left turn lanes with median elimination (PDF)
- Impacts of the proposed roundabout (PDF)
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