Style has good words for Richmond’s longest-running art gallery
Style profiles the Schindler Gallery as part of their Fall Arts Preview: Celebrating its 50th anniversary, the longest-running art gallery in Richmond originated with Kirsten’s artist parents, Anne and Ralph Gray, who began showing their work and that of friends at a studio on North First Street. In those days, it was simply called the […]
Style profiles the Schindler Gallery as part of their Fall Arts Preview:
Celebrating its 50th anniversary, the longest-running art gallery in Richmond originated with Kirsten’s artist parents, Anne and Ralph Gray, who began showing their work and that of friends at a studio on North First Street. In those days, it was simply called the Gallery. In 1965, they moved to the current spot at 2305 E. Broad St. and became the Eric Schindler Gallery, named after their first son.
Two Skies, a show of new paintings by Eric Yevak opens TONIGHT at the gallery on Broad Street.
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