Scooter For Sale

From the Craigslist ad: 2008 Buddy 125 in great condition both cosmetically and mechanically. New inspection and very low miles (460mi). Loved this scooter but have to sell it because we’re moving. Rated at 90 MPG and to fill it up with today’s gas prices costs about $4 – pretty awesome. It can get up […]

From the Craigslist ad:

2008 Buddy 125 in great condition both cosmetically and mechanically. New inspection and very low miles (460mi). Loved this scooter but have to sell it because we’re moving. Rated at 90 MPG and to fill it up with today’s gas prices costs about $4 – pretty awesome.

It can get up to highway speeds pretty easily. Since it’s a 2008, it has a 12v accessory outlet to charge your cell phone while you’re scooting around. Very fun to ride!!

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Oregon Hill

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