School Board votes to close Clark Springs ES, redraw Fox ES zoning
The Richmond School Board voted 5-4 to move forward with a plan for elementary school rezoning and school closings: While Cary ES receives students from Clark Springs ES, the Museum District will be rezoned from Cary Elementary to Fox Elementary. The rezoning will also change the draw zones for elementary schools in the East End […]
The Richmond School Board voted 5-4 to move forward with a plan for elementary school rezoning and school closings:
While Cary ES receives students from Clark Springs ES, the Museum District will be rezoned from Cary Elementary to Fox Elementary. The rezoning will also change the draw zones for elementary schools in the East End and Southside. Under Plan C, Westover Hills Elementary School will become more of a neighborhood school for the area around Forest Hill Park; schools further south will also be impacted. […]
The School Board approved an amendment by a 5-3 (Pinkney-Eppes abstaining) by swing vote Kim Larson (4th) to amend the zoning, in ways that would alleviate some concerns about the diversity of the new zones. Her change moves some students from Carver ES to Fox ES, keeps the area south of Cary Street in the Cary ES draw zone, and responded to parental concerns about the moving of students at elementary schools in Southside.
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