Richmond’s Hills, In 1904
This column appeared in The Times Dispatch, on November 23, 1904: Editor of The Times-Dispatch: Sir, -Please answer in your query column what per cent. of grade are the hills in and about Richmond, and oblige, B.W. …. Oregon Hill – Albemarle and Pine Streets, elevation 170.6. … These elevations are above mean high tide. Editor’s note: to see the other hills’ elevations, […]
This column appeared in The Times Dispatch, on November 23, 1904:
Editor of The Times-Dispatch:
Sir, -Please answer in your query column what per cent. of grade are the hills in and about Richmond, and oblige,
Oregon Hill – Albemarle and Pine Streets, elevation 170.6.
These elevations are above mean high tide.
Editor’s note: to see the other hills’ elevations, go to article in link above. Oregon Hill has the most elevation for hills next to the river.
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