Henderson Middle School gets attention at Mind Games event
The Times-Dispatch’s Zachary Reid covered the city’s Mind Games competition and focused on a group of students from Northside’s Henderson Middle School: Presented with the recycling, Merci Best created a classic. She turned a paper grocery sack, four paper-towel tubes and the mouthpiece from a tuba into an instrument she calls a flugelhorn. “I kind of put my […]
The Times-Dispatch’s Zachary Reid covered the city’s Mind Games competition and focused on a group of students from Northside’s Henderson Middle School:
Presented with the recycling, Merci Best created a classic.
She turned a paper grocery sack, four paper-towel tubes and the mouthpiece from a tuba into an instrument she calls a flugelhorn.
“I kind of put my own style to it,” she said yesterday with a handful of her Henderson Middle School classmates.
The group performed Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” and an original composition called “School” on instruments they designed and made for the 28th annual Mind Games, a Richmond school system academic challenge. Middle school students competed at Lucille Brown Middle; elementary students will compete later this month at Miles Jones Elementary.
The music was the highlight of yesterday’s four-part challenge. After vying against each other in written tests on general knowledge, logic and productive thinking, teams from seven of the city’s nine middle schools played instruments they made.
“It shows creativity can come out of small packages,” said Quantan Robinson, a Henderson seventh-grader who played a katas-a-nator, a cardboard-and-rubber-band creation that produced a stringy sound.
“They took junk and turned it into art,” said Merci’s mother, Robin Best, who teaches at Henderson and worked with the Mind Games team. “It shows a good awareness of environmental issues.”
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