Have you seen this itty bitty dog?

Lost Pomeranian Name: Taz (Tazman) [he may or may not respond to his name] Color: Black Size: Small (5-8 lbs.) Hair: he has recently been shaved so his hair is short Personality: he is very energetic and loves to play. He will also try to lick your face if you let him. Tags: he was […]

Lost Pomeranian
Name: Taz (Tazman) [he may or may not respond to his name]
Color: Black
Size: Small (5-8 lbs.)
Hair: he has recently been shaved so his hair is short
Personality: he is very energetic and loves to play. He will also try to lick your face if you let him.
Tags: he was not wearing his tags when he got out.
Date: 4/7/12 – probably got our around 11:30 or Noon

Our house is located at the corner of 30th & Leigh Streets and he escaped from our yard, probably started on 30th St.

If anyone has seen him they can call me, Sean Pyle at 804-691-5377.

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