GardenFest of Lights

From the events calendar: A holiday tradition! The show features more than a half million lights arranged in botanical themes throughout the Garden. Visitors can also marvel at displays in the Garden’s Conservatory and decorations in the Visitors Center and the Education and Library Complex. Merry Mondays on Monday evenings include storytelling for kids. New! In honor […]

From the events calendar:

A holiday tradition! The show features more than a half million lights arranged in botanical themes throughout the Garden. Visitors can also marvel at displays in the Garden’s Conservatory and decorations in the Visitors Center and the Education and Library Complex. Merry Mondays on Monday evenings include storytelling for kids.

New! In honor of its 25th anniversary, the Garden is raffling off a brand new Subaru Impreza with proceeds to benefit the Garden’s educational mission. Learn more about the 25th Anniversary Silver Subaru Raffle.

RTD has a write up on this as well.

Also, the fam and I are going to try and swing buy to get some pics. NO PROMISES!

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