Garden Workday at the NRC this Saturday
Tricycle Gardens has scheduled a Garden Workday at the Neighborhood Resource Center on Saturday, April 11: Come and join us from 10:00 – 2:00 at the Children’s Learning Garden for Spring garden work. This is a great opportunity to see this unique raised bed community learning garden. New plantings include berries, fruit trees, herbs, and cool […]
Tricycle Gardens has scheduled a Garden Workday at the Neighborhood Resource Center on Saturday, April 11:
Come and join us from 10:00 – 2:00 at the Children’s Learning Garden for Spring garden work. This is a great opportunity to see this unique raised bed community learning garden. New plantings include berries, fruit trees, herbs, and cool weather vegetables. Please let us know if you plan to help out for the work day! Call: 864-5797 Neighborhood Resource Center, 1519 Williamsburg Road, Fulton Hill
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