Free puppet show!

We have recently started a free puppet show program for the community on the 2nd Friday of each month at 10am. It is a free show called “Amazon Adventure” for all ages, mainly geared towards babies, toddlers, and Pre-schoolers. Parents stay with their kids and enjoy a 30-minute presentation of puppets, illusions, and juggling tricks […]

We have recently started a free puppet show program for the community on the 2nd Friday of each month at 10am. It is a free show called “Amazon Adventure” for all ages, mainly geared towards babies, toddlers, and Pre-schoolers. Parents stay with their kids and enjoy a 30-minute presentation of puppets, illusions, and juggling tricks – a great play date!

Our next show is this coming Friday, Dec 9th, at 10am at 1836 Park Ave (Commonwealth Chapel).

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